====== XenServer ====== ===== tips ===== "File System on Control Domain Full","2","Disk usage for the Control Domain on server 'xxxxxx' has reached 92.0%. XenServer's performance will be critically affected if this disk becomes full. Log files or other non-essential (user created) files should be removed. xe patch-destroy uuid= http://discussions.citrix.com/topic/351235-low-disk-space-dom0/ delete the files in /var/patch -- those are old hotfix files ===== Xen Server Tools ===== XenCenterでVM→Install Xen Server Tools # mount /dev/xvdd /mnt OR # mount /dev/cdrom /mnt # cd /mnt # cd Linux # ./install.sh Detected `CentOS release 6.x (Final)' (centos version 6). The following changes will be made to this Virtual Machine: * update arp_notify sysctl.conf. * packages to be installed/upgraded: - xe-guest-utilities-6.xxxxx.x86_64.rpm - xe-guest-utilities-xenstore-6.xxxxx.x86_64.rpm Continue? [y/n] y 準備中... ########################################### [100%] 1:xe-guest-utilities-xens########################################### [ 50%] 2:xe-guest-utilities ########################################### [100%] You should now reboot this Virtual Machine. # cd # umount /mnt