====== Grafana ====== ===== Install ===== sudo pkg install grafana8 ===== 設定 ===== /usr/local/etc/grafana/grafana.ini # The ip address to bind to, empty will bind to all interfaces ;http_addr = http_addr = XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX ................ # Log web requests ;router_logging = false router_logging = true ................ [users] # disable user signup / registration ;allow_sign_up = true allow_sign_up = false # Allow non admin users to create organizations ;allow_org_create = true allow_org_create = false ===== 起動 ===== sudo service grafana start ===== アクセス ===== http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:3000 ID:admin Pass:admin ===== タイムゾーン ===== 標準だと**UTC**として扱われてしまうため、DBのColumnには**with TZ**を指定する また、grafana側では、configuration -> preferences -> Timezone で設定する ===== メモ ===== - Invoking python script from dashboard - https://community.grafana.com/t/invoking-python-script-from-dashboard/8051/4 > If you’re talking about running Python in the user’s browser, that’s not possible AFAIK. > > If you want to run a Python script on the server, you’ll want to set up and expose an HTTP API endpoint that triggers it, which you then call from the Grafana front-end (e.g. via Ajax). For that you might want to use some combination of Flask/uWSGI/Nginx (see e.g. Creating an API to execute a python script - Stack Overflow 195).