====== VULS ====== ===== このページについて ===== vulsをjail環境へインストールした記録。 設定ファイル、脆弱性DBは~monitor/vuls/に置くものとする ===== install ===== ==== 事前に必要なもの ==== # pkg install sudo go git sqlite3 gmake ==== vuls用アカウントの作成 ==== # pw add group -n monitor # pw add user -n monitor -g monitor -m ==== Logディレクトリの準備 ==== # mkdir /var/log/vuls # chown monitor /var/log/vuls # chmod 700 /var/log/vuls ==== ssh鍵の作成 ==== # mkdir ~monitor/.ssh # cd ~monitor # chown monitor:monitor .ssh # sudo -u monitor ssh-keygen -t ed25519 # cat ~monitor/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub >> ~monitor/.ssh/authorized_keys # chown monitor:monitor ~monitor/.ssh/authorized_keys # chmod 600 ~monitor/.ssh/authorized_keys なお、公開鍵はVulsの検査対象になるサーバのauthorized_keysにも転記する ==== 環境変数の設定 ==== /home/monitor/.profile に以下の値を設定(($GOROOTは設定しない)) GOPATH=$HOME/go; export GOPATH PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin; export PATH ==== ユーザの切り替え ==== ここで、一旦monitorユーザに切り替える((以下のように、suコマンドを利用することでjail内の環境変数を読み込む)) # jexec su - monitor ==== go-cve-directonaryのinstall ==== $ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/kotakanbe $ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/kotakanbe/ $ git clone https://github.com/kotakanbe/go-cve-dictionary.git $ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/kotakanbe/go-cve-dictionary $ gmake install 公式文書ではmakeとなっていますがgnu makeなので、FreeBSDではgmake installとなります。((warningが出る場合があるがFreeBSDのccがgccでないため)) ==== NVDから脆弱性データベースを取得 ==== $ mkdir ~monitor/vuls $ cd ~monitor/vuls $ for i in `seq 2002 $(date +"%Y")`; do go-cve-dictionary fetchnvd -years $i;go-cve-dictionary fetchjvn -years $i; done 両方で15~20分くらいかかります。 Deploy goval-dictionary Deploy gost Deploy go-exploitdb ==== Vulsのinstall ==== $ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/future-architect $ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/future-architect $ git clone https://github.com/future-architect/vuls.git $ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/future-architect/vuls $ gmake install 公式文書ではmakeとなっていますがgnu makeなので、FreeBSDではgmake installとなります。((warningが出る場合があるがFreeBSDのccがgccでないため)) ===== 設定<Vuls側> ===== [servers] [servers.example] host = "" port = "22" user = "monitor" keyPath = "/home/monitor/.ssh/id_ed25519" ===== 設定<Scanされる側> ===== - config.tomlに記述したユーザを作成する((今回の例ではmonitor)) - ~monitor/.ssh/authorized_keysに公開鍵を設定する - Scanされる側がLinuxの場合はsudoが可能であるように設定する。((AmazonLinux、FreeBSDでは不要))((詳しくは[[https://github.com/future-architect/vuls/blob/master/README.ja.md#check-etcsudoers|Check /etc/sudoers]]を参照)) * 一部のLinuxではScanされる側にもインストールが必要なパッケージがあるので注意 ===== 設定の確認 ===== $ cd ~monitor/vuls $ vuls configtest [Aug 8 09:19:13] INFO [localhost] Validating config... [Aug 8 09:19:13] INFO [localhost] Detecting Server/Container OS... [Aug 8 09:19:13] INFO [localhost] Detecting OS of servers... [Aug 8 09:19:15] INFO [localhost] (1/1) Detected: : FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p20 [Aug 8 09:19:15] INFO [localhost] Detecting OS of containers... [Aug 8 09:19:15] INFO [localhost] Checking dependendies... [Aug 8 09:19:15] INFO [localhost] Checking sudo settings... [Aug 8 09:19:15] INFO [chives] sudo ... No need [Aug 8 09:19:15] INFO [localhost] Scannable servers are below... ===== Scan ===== $ vuls scan [Aug 8 09:32:29] INFO [localhost] Start scanning .........snip [Aug 8 09:32:43] INFO [localhost] Scanning vulnerabilities... [Aug 8 09:32:43] INFO [localhost] Scanning vulnerable OS packages... One Line Summary ================ S1 FreeBSD10.3-RELEASE-p20 1 CVEs 1 updatable packages S2 FreeBSD10.3-RELEASE-p20 0 CVEs 0 updatable packages To view the detail, vuls tui is useful. To send a report, run vuls report -h. ===== report ===== one-line $ vuls report -format-one-line-text ......snip One Line Summary ================ S1 Total: 1 (High:0 Medium:1 Low:0 ?:0) 1 updatable packages S2 Total: 0 (High:0 Medium:0 Low:0 ?:0) 0 updatable packages short-text $ vuls report -format-short-text ......snip S1 (FreeBSD10.3-RELEASE-p20) ============================== Total: 1 (High:0 Medium:1 Low:0 ?:0) 1 updatable packages CVE-2017-7529 5.0 (Medium) Nginx versions since 0.5.6 up to and including 1.13.2 are vulnerable to integer overflow vulnerability in nginx range filter module resulting into leak of potentially sensitive information triggered by specially crafted request. http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2017-7529 https://vuxml.freebsd.org/freebsd/b28adc5b-6693-11e7-ad43-f0def16c5c1b.html nginx-1.12.0_4,2 -> nginx Confidence: 100 / PkgAuditMatch S2 (FreeBSD10.3-RELEASE-p20) ================================ Total: 0 (High:0 Medium:0 Low:0 ?:0) 0 updatable packages No CVE-IDs are found in updatable packages. ====== Update後 ====== $ vuls report -format-one-line-text ......snip One Line Summary ================ S1 Total: 0 (High:0 Medium:0 Low:0 ?:0) 1 updatable packages S2 Total: 0 (High:0 Medium:0 Low:0 ?:0) 0 updatable packages ===== 参考 ===== [[https://github.com/future-architect/vuls/blob/master/README.ja.md|Vuls README]] [[http://qiita.com/Ets/items/4ea663ed2b272d6ab93a|[改訂版]vulsを使って脆弱性の自動スキャンを実現する]] [[https://www.seirios.org/seirios/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=tweet:2016:0419_01|vuls on FreeBSD]]