====== if ======
===== USAGE =====
===== パラメータ =====
^Name^Description^Default Value^
|subject|The value to perform the conditional on.|
|operator|The operator to compare the subject against.|=|
|operand|If needed, the value to compare the subject against using the operator.|
|then|If the condition is true, output this.|
|else|If the condition is false, output this.|
|die|If debug and this is true, die() after printing the properties.|0|
|!=,neq,not,isnot,isnt,unequal,notequal|Passes if the subject is unequal to the operand.|
|==,=,eq,is,equal,equals,equalto|Passes if the subject is equal to the operand.|
|<,lt,less,lessthan|Passes if the subject is less than the operand.|
|>,gt,greater,greaterthan|Passes if the subject is greater than the operand.|
|%%<=%%,lte,lessthanequals,lessthanorequalto|Passes if the subject is less than or equal to the operand.|
|>=,gte,greaterthanequals,greaterthanequalto|Passes if the subject is greater than or equal to the operand.|
|isempty,empty|Passes if the subject is empty.|
|!empty,notempty,isnotempty|Passes if the subject is not empty.|
|isnull,null|Passes if the subject is null.|
|inarray,in_array,ia|Passes if the subject is found in the operand list. (comma-delimited string)|
===== 例 =====
&then=`Hello, Mr. [[+name]]!`
&else=`Hello, Ms. [[+name]]!`
&then=`Hello, [[+name]]!`
&else=`Hello, anonymous!`
===== 参考 =====